So I went down to Besy Buy this afternoon to price Sirius and see if it was a viable Christmas gift option, and they were sold out! I think this glorious radio revolution is catching on. Oh, and there were plenty of XMs- HA HA HA! :)
In the parking lot, some guy in his car stopped to let me cross and instead of waving like a normal person, I instinctively did a little point with my fingers making the "gun". What the hell is wrong with me?
Then on the way home, a DJ said something that made me crack up. George Takei of Star Trek recently came out of the closet. Apparently, he still had no problem scoring with chicks on Star Trek. The DJ said, to paraphrase, "This is bad news for Trekkies- even being gay, Mr. Sulu got more action than the fans of the show."
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