Monday, November 21, 2005

The Best of 2005- #'s 41 & 40

I wasn't on the computer yesterday so I have to jam two of this year's songs into one entry. First up, at #41 is Fortress by Pinback.

Their website is, which I found to be slow-loading and not very useful. It's the first band site I've visited that did not have any portion of the song that made my list. And the ones that are available, you have to download. AOL has it, but it will probably only open if you are using AOL. Music Archive Videos: Pinback :Summer in Abaddon :'Fortress'

Band: Pinback

Album: Summer in Abaddon

Members: Armistead Burwell Smith IV and Rob Crow

Why Fortress is #41: The song is very smooth and catchy. I can hardly understand any of the words, but that doesn't matter because I can understand the chorus and sometimes that's enough.

Stop. It's too late. I'm feelin' frustrated. I see no sign of fortress. I see no sign of fortress.


And now on to the TOP 40! Whoo hoo! #40 is Fistful of Love by Antony and the Johnsons.

You can listen to a clip of the song at Antony's website, conveniently located at Antony and the Johnsons

One look at the bio page of Antony and the Johnsons and you might wonder how the hell this song ever made it onto my list.
AOL Music: Antony and the Johnsons : BIO I first heard this band/guy(?) on Sirius 26: Left of Center- a bizarre song called For Today I Am A Boy, which was surprisingly gender-bending. (The bio page actually shed some light on that!) I thought, "That's a weird song", and quickly dismissed it. Then the second song LOC played off the album, I Am A Bird Now, was Fistful of Love. I know it sounds like a love song written in prison, but it really is quite beautiful. Antony has a very strange voice, but it sounds great. The rousing brass is what really hooked me, though. It comes out as just an old-fashioned trumpet blaring love song and I like it a lot.


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