LOST- Episode 32: Collision
Previously on LOST: Jack met Ana-Lucia at the airport, Sawyer collapsed and Shannon died.
We open in flashback- Ana-Lucia is unloading a gun in target practice and then heads off to therapy. They discuss how her boyfriend left her, but she is better off alone and also whether or not she is ready to return to work. The therapist hands her her badge and says, "Welcome back to the force, Officer Cortez."
In the present, Sayid is understandably upset and goes into attack mode. Eko remains undefeated in island throwdowns and knocks Sayid out. Ana-Lucia still decides to hold everyone at gunpoint, though. This cues up the creepy LOST title screen.
Michael tries to talk some sense into A-L but she continues to surge forward over the edge. She fires a warning shot and orders the stretcher to be dismantled so Sayid can be bound with the ropes. Mr. Eko is the only one brave enough to defy her orders.
Ana-Lucia then flashes back to her return to active duty where she argues with her captain/mother about being stuck on a desk job. Mom tries to stay by the book- a desk job is required of someone returning from an officer-involved shooting, but it doesn't take much arguing before she gives into her daughter and puts her in a patrol car. [Side note: Maggie Grace has already been reduced to "special guest star" for her role as "corpse."
At the beach, Rose gives Jack some motherly advice before they are interrupted by an errant golf ball. Jack investigates and finds Kate, Hurley and Charlie on the shore wagering on how far Kate can hit a ball. Jack tries to give her some pointers which quickly escalates into some friendly competition.
In the jungle, Libby tries to talk Ana-Lucia into continuing on, but A-L won't go for fear of retribution. Eko hoists Sawyer over his shoulders and says he is taking him back to camp, not for Sawyer but for himself.
In a flashback, Ana-Lucia is upset that her patrol is in a peaceful neighborhood, so she grabs the first domestic disturbance call she hears over the radio. At the scene, A-L reveals that perhaps she wasn't quite ready to come back, as she is a little quick to pull out her gun on an unarmed perp. Her partner is a little freaked out, to say the least.
In the present, Ana-Lucia is rocking nervously as Libby tries again to talk to her. Michael brings some water to Sayid and brings him up to speed on everything that happened to the rafters.
On the golf course, Kate hits an impressive shot, while Jack's ball careens into the jungle. The banter quickly stops when Kate notices a large black stranger carrying her long lost boyfriend. Jack takes a cautious step back as Eko demands the doctor.
In the hatch, Locke is completing 42 down on a crossword puzzle when Jack and company arrive. They throw Sawyer into the shower to bring his fever down. Locke asks what's going on and, in a bit of irony, Jack has to remind him to push the button, as the alarm is sounding. Eko, meanwhile is observing the Dharma logo on the wall, when Locke sees him and they exchange a friendly and simple hello.
In the jungle, Bernard takes a stab at talking to Ana-Lucia, saying he just wants to get back to his wife. A-L reminds him that she has kept him alive this whole time and asks for some slack. Libby demands to know the plan, so Ana springs up and makes a ransom demand of Michael- ammo and clothes mostly. Michael takes off to get those things after some reassurance from Jin. Libby tells A-L she can't live alone in the jungle, but A-L says she is already alone.
Ana-Lucia flashes back to the end of her first day back where she is still arguing with her partner over the gun-pulling incident. On their way into the station, they are greeted with the news that the man who shot Ana has been caught and confessed. Even still, Ana-Lucia insists that it is not the right man. This displeases Mom.
In the present, Ana-Lucia stands over Shannon's body and looks sad as everyone watches her, wondering when they are going to get out of this mess.
In the hatch, Eko tells Locke about the accident and Locke pieces together that Shannon is the one who died. Meanwhile, Jack is having problems getting Sawyer to swallow a pill, so Kate takes over and uses a more feminine approach. Jack is slightly amused and says that he didn't learn whispering in the ear at med school.
Ana-Lucia returns from the crime scene to find Bernard packing up and going. Libby says Ana is not a good judge of character and she is going too. Jin is reluctant to go, but Sayid nods his okay. And so Ana-Lucia and Sayid are left to tensely stare at each other.
Meanwhile, Michael is running through the jungle and finds his way into Sun's secret garden. He tells her Jin is okay, but right now he needs to find Jack.
Jack is in the hatch, of course, and he is pretty mad that Shannon is dead. He demands answers from Eko, who has grown silent. He says anything he says will just make Jack angrier so he is going to just sit there. Michael and Sun arrive but the happy reunion is brief because a cut scene later, Jack is locking and loading the heavy artillery. He and Mike are about to leave, but Eko stops them, asking what they hope to accomplish with guns. He says that Ana-Lucia made a mistake, a name drop that stirs some recognition in the doctor. For the second time in a week, some brief but meaningful encounter in his life has found its way onto Crazy Island. Eko says he will take Jack to the scene alone and with no guns.
In the jungle, Ana-Lucia makes small talk with Sayid. Sayid tells how he tortured Sawyer and others and maybe she should kill him. A-L reciprocates with the story of how she was shot on duty when she let her guard down. Sayid asks what happened to her attacker and she flashes back to the fateful night when she followed the man she failed to identify to a bar. In the parking lot, she shouts to him and tells him she was pregnant before shooting him in cold blood, standing over his body and shooting him some more.
Sayid again asks what happened to him and she says, "Nothing." Then she gets up, cuts Sayid loose and drops her gun at his feet. She says she deserves to die, but Sayid says that it would do no good for them to kill each other since they're already dead. (Go nuts Purgatory theorists!) Sayid walks over to his dead girlfriend and hugs her to him.
In the hatch, Kate watches Sawyer fight to live. She strokes his hair and tells him he will be okay because he is home now. Musical montage time: Michael is reunited with Vincent (Hooray?), Bernard is reunited with Rose (Hooray!) and Jin is reunited with Sun (Hip Hip Hooray!) Meanwhile, in the jungle, Jack and Eko find who they were looking for. Jack and Ana-Lucia see each other and Foxy pulls out his now patented "I'm not crying, I swear" face. They stare at each other from a distance- about the length of a TV screen. Cool shot. And it's the last one.
Next time on LOST: We finally get some answers out of the Book of Kate.
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